Pls contact us - if an updated list of reference is desired!
(Selection as of January 2013)
Location China:
December 2012 - to date: Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) regional contributor for Renewables Global Status Report 2013.
Location China:
October - November 2012: Commissioned by the German company Wirsol to elaborate a detailed study concerning the Chinese Golden Sun Programme. 
Location China:
September 2012 - to date: Identification of a potential site for manufacturing and local partner for a French company.
Location China:
August - November 2012: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert commissioned to conduct project proposal evaluations.
Location China:
April 2012: Commissioned by Renewable Energy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) in order to provide contributions to the “Global Status Report 2012”. 
Location Hong Kong:
March 2012: Provide advisory services to clients (financial institutions, fund managers, and investment bankers) based in Hong Kong on behalf of Bank of America / Merrill Lynch. 
Location China:
February 2012: Provide advisory services to a client on behalf of Bank of America / Merrill Lynch on the Chinese PV market policies. 
Location China:
September 2011 – February 2012: China PV Market Study for the German solar project developer juwi. 
Location China:
July 2011: China New Energy Chamber of Commerce – Workshop on German PV Market Development for member companies. 
Location China:
June – September 2011: China PV Market Survey for a French company.
Location China:
April 2011 – July 2012: China PV Market Survey for Fotowatio Renewable Ventures a Spanish solar project developer company. 
Location China:
April – June 2011: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert commissioned to conduct project proposal evaluations. 
Location China:
November 2010 – January 2011: Elaboration of a Market Study for PV applications (Focus: Shandong Province) and Jiangsu Province as a destination for the establishment of production facility for a German company. 
Location China:
August 2010 – October 2010: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert commissioned to conduct project impact assessments, i.e. to evaluate four finalized projects through a standardized methodology while formulating lessons learned for future REEEP supported projects.
Location China:
March 2010 – July 2010: Elaboration of a Market Entry Study concerning the Chinese market for photovoltaic applications on behalf of a German company.
Location China:
August – September 2010: Market Survey among Chinese manufacturer of EVA on behalf of a Apricum a German cleantech advisory group. 
Location Mongolia:
March 2010: Commissioned by German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) as an independent short-term expert to conduct a 2-week Programme Progress Mission, i.e. final impact evaluation of a multiple-year development programme concerning the deployment and dissemination of renewable energy technologies (small-scale hydro, wind, PV) in Mongolia. 
Location China:
January 2010 – April 2010: Commissioned by Antaris a German Solar Co. to identify suitable Chinese OEM manufacturer to produce PV modules.
Location Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
February 2009 – December 2009: Commissioned by GTZ Pakistan, to support the Pakistan Alternative Energy Development Board, Islamabad as an independent international consultant to review the Solar PV Rural Electrification Project in Sindh Province and Tender Documents for Solar PV Project in Baluchistan. Furthermore, to advise on setting institutional framework conditions designed to ensure a long-term sustainable operation and maintenance of off-grid solar-home-systems. 
Location China:
October – November 2009: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert to critically review and provide recommendations to the “Status Report on Renewable Energies in China”. 
Location China:
September 2009: International Energy Agency (IEA): As an international consultant to write the “Chapter on China’s Rural Electrification” [by means of PV] as part of a “Sustainable Rural Energisation in Major Emerging Economies”. 
Location China:
July 2009 – October 2009: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert; in collaboration to conduct an “Assessment of Lessons from Impact Assessments of 37 global projects” and providing recommendations for future REEEP strategy. 
Location China:
December 2008 – February 2009: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP): As an independent international expert to conduct “Project Impact Assessments of 5 REEEP funded RE Projects in China” and formulate lessons learned for REEEP. 
Location China:
July 2008 – April 2010: Bernreuter Research: Commissioned to contribute to Global Study on Polysilicon Manufacturer. Status in China and Taiwan.
Location Democratic People’s Republic of North-Korea:
January 31, 2008 – February 7, 2008: Welthungerhilfe; International Consultant, short-term assignment to support the drafting of Concept Note for a Renewable Energy Project based on an EU Call for Proposal. 
Location China:
July 2007 – January 2008: World Bank; Renewable Energy Development Programme: International consultant; support the design of technically and financially viable business models for long-term sustainable operation of PV and PV-Hybrid Systems installed under the Chinese Rural Township Electrification Programme.
Location Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
April 21-22, 2006: GTZ Pakistan: Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Alternative Energy Development Board, Islamabad: Seminar on “Rural Electrification by means of Renewable Energies” Exchange of Experience with China.
Location China:
January 2005 – October 2005: UNDP/GEF China; Capacity Building for the Rapid Commercialization of Renewable Energy Programme: International consultant; support China’s Rural Electrification Programme - Training of Renewable Energy Service Companies (RESCO).