
Understand the solar / photovoltaic market of China

Identify national and provincial issues and their possible impacts on the market development

Analyze strategic implications of policy developments, in order to identify potential business approaches

Anticipate key economic and policy trends that could lead to the emergence of new investment opportunities and partnerships

Discern where and when regulatory framework conditions will be amended

Advisory on Market Intelligence

Review and Analysis of Photovoltaic Energy Policies and Trends

Analysis of Competitors, Suppliers and other Market Stakeholders

Advise on Market Outlook and Development

Advise on tendered Photovoltaic Energy Projects

Advise on Attendance of Photovoltaic / Solar Energy Events and Exhibitions

Advisory on Governmental Institutions and Policy Development

Policy Update, Analysis, and Evaluation

Advisory on Business Development

Identification of possible clients and partners, initiation of contact and contact development, negotiation and mediation, development of an action plan, analysis of business environment, facilitation and implementation of projects, elaboration of potential market entry strategies

Advisory on China as a Location for Manufacturing of Photovoltaic Products

Advise on possible locations throughout the country, evaluation of locations, analysis of local investment incentives, provide on-site organizational support until launch of operations